Well this poor blog has been severly neglected. I (Laura) will try to catch everyone up as best I can on our happenings since the last time we updated.
Febuary 2009- My sister Alicia got married. Halen loves his new dad Brian and his new step sister Lily Grace (Gracie) who is 3 months older than Ella. Brian is in the air force and was expecting to be stationed in Germany but his orders were cancceled so for now they are staying right here in Oklahoma.
April 2009- My brother Christopher got married. He and his wife Kelsi got married in Texas where she grew up. She has a little boy Aiden who has lots of energy and seems to always have a smile on his face. He is 6 months older than Ella.
May 2009- My mom FINALLY got her associates. We all went to her graduation with all the kids to cheer her on. It was very exciting. She was accepted to the University of Centeral Oklahoma where she is working towards a bachelors in Special Education.
August 2009- Ella celebrated her 2nd birthday.
November 2009- Christopher and Kelsi had a baby boy. They named him Kyler and he is a very happy baby.
December 2009- My grandmother was admited to the hospital to have surgery on her kidney which was later cancelled because it turned out to be cancer. For Christmas we had a blizzard which made us house bound and prevented Christopher, Kelsi, Aiden, and Kyler from coming to Oklahoma for Christmas.
January 2010- My grandmother died due to her advanced cancer. We were able to get all of eight of her grandchildren to bedside before she passed which was amazing seeing as we spaned from California to Italy.
April 2010- Alicia and Brian had a baby boy. His name is Rylan and he is very smiley.
May 2010- Thomas and I got divorced. Ella and I packed up and moved to Clovis, California because Thomas wanted to live closer to his family.
July 2010- Ella and I traveled to Utah for the blessing of Ella's newest cousin's blessing. We had a lot of fun getting to know Thomas's family better. We also traveled to Reno, NV to visit a friend of mine and his wife before they moved to Kentucky. We had a blast hanging out and even taking a trip to Lake Tahoe.
I am having problems getting picutres to upload so I will later post those.